It was a total fluke that I ended up at the outlet stores yesterday. I hadn’t planned on it but I stopped in and saw that BR factory brought back the famous belted tweed sheath dress from last Winter (see mine from last year here). The material/quality felt much thiner but everything else was the same. I completely forgot to look at the price or the style # but I am assuming it’s around $99 plus whatever discounts (this weekend is 30% off with coupon). I also wanted the pearl bauble necklace you see but it was a bit too pricey.
That fuchsia cardigan you in the first picture looks and fits exactly like the LOFT boyfriend cardigan that was also so popular from 2010 but with pretty gold trim. I already have the LOFT fuchsia one but I did manage to scoop up the cream and gray. I know I don’t need at anymore cardigans but it felt so nice on! Style #882515-01-1-009. The price was decent at $64.99 with 50% off automatically and then an additional 30% off with my coupon. Total ended up being $22.74. Not bad right? I’m trying to justify it in my head.
I also scored this tiny bracelet also from BR factory (no tag/no style #) that looks so similar to the Ann Taylor sparkle grid bracelet for only $5. It fits decent just how it is but I plan on removing a couple of links to make it perfect.
My ultimate find yesterday was a thrifted pearl/gold chain necklace for only $2! It wasn’t exactly supposed to be $2 but the guy said he would give it to me for $2 : ) It’s really heavy in weight which I loved and the gold part has no tarnishing- in amazing condition. Love the length too and can’t wait to wear it!
What did you score this weekend? Please share!

wow, nice find on that necklace!! cant wait to see that on!!!
I love that tweed dress! Especially with the cardigan.
As for your purchases… don't worry, it's totally justified if you got them for $22 as compared to $65! 🙂
Love that pink cardi..the trim on it is so cute
No shopping for me this weekend, but I'm happy to see that you were able to buy some great finds! The BR pearl cluster necklace looks a lot like what J.Crew has been offering, so you could perhaps try looking there too. Might not be cheap though. I'm excited to see you incorporate the new jewelry items into your outfits!
Loved all your finds. I have a Q regarding the thrifted chain. Can you please tell me how you confirmed that the metal used in the chain is actual gold and not some random metal with gold color? I shy away from buying jewellery from the thrift store coz I cannot make out the authenticity of the item. Thanks!
That necklace is SO pretty! I cannot believe you scored it for only $2 – now that is some seriously savvy thrifting.
Omg Annie! I totally bought that same bracelet the last time I was at the Outlets! Lol (Great mind and all that)..hee
Oh, that cardigan is lovely. I hope they have it in the Canadian stores.
Thanks for the great news Annie, I was so sad to have missed out on the dress last year. I'll definitely stop by soon and take a look for myself. Thanks!
Pretty pretty finds Annie. Love the necklace for sure and at $2??
One can never have too many cardigans!
Wow great finds Annie especially on the bracelet since you always have so much trouble and $2 for the necklace?!? Unreal! I only make up shopped this weekend 😉
Great jewelry.. loving the gold tones.
T { }
Thanks to the great guide
I spent a lot of time to locate something similar
to this
This is actually helpful, thanks.
Thanks for the terrific article
Thanks, it is very informative